SQL ERROR (returnAnArrayFromThisQuery):MySQL server has gone away
SELECT * FROM inv_events.event_superactions s, inv_events.event_actions a WHERE s.IDEvent = 1 AND s.IDSuperAction=a.IDSuperAction AND s.visibleFlag = 1 AND s.superActionPosition = '-1' ORDER BY a.actionPosition ASC Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)

Rani Van Schoors


works as a PhD student on the i-Learn project. Her main fields of interest are educational technology and instructional design, with a focus on digital personalized learning tools.



Last update: September 2020


Articles published on IXD&A:


• Designing personalised learning support for K12 education, N. 45, pp. 155 - 176, abstractdownload

    DATABASE ERROR.MySQL server has gone away