SQL ERROR (returnAnArrayFromThisQuery):MySQL server has gone away
SELECT * FROM inv_events.event_superactions s, inv_events.event_actions a WHERE s.IDEvent = 1 AND s.IDSuperAction=a.IDSuperAction AND s.visibleFlag = 1 AND s.superActionPosition = '-1' ORDER BY a.actionPosition ASC Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)

Roxana Moldovan


is a PhD student within the Communications Department of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. With about 6 years of involvement in software development projects with Romanian and foreign partners, she is also a passionate member of Hypermedia’s eLearning and multimedia department. The department’s research and innovations are related to new concepts regarding the multimedia distributed systems, specially, interactive and virtual collaboration applied to e-services and expressed in robust and powerful technologies such as HyperTalk, HyperEDU or HyperCareers.



last update: February 2017

Articles published on IXD&A: 


External Resource Annotation Framework and its applications in E-learning, N. 31, pp. 86 - 97abstractdownload

    DATABASE ERROR.MySQL server has gone away