A new Life to rethink Design and Processes for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Carlo Giovannella, Andrea Camusi, Andrea Campo
pp. 127-128 - download
In a historic moment like this in which the learning technologies are challenged by both the social transformations and the need to rethink the pedagogical approach to the TEL processes, this tutorial is intended to introduce the audience to the new possibilities offered by a novel open-source and multilingual environment, LIFE (Learning in an Interactive Framework to Experience) - http://life.mifav.uniroma2.it - whose design has been inspired by:
- the need to overcome the old-style Virtual Learning Environments in favor of more social oriented and open Virtual Learning Places (VLP)
- the need for more empathic and personalizable VLP
- the need for more design oriented and flexible learning processes
After a quick review of the design principles, the speakers, with the aid of selected best practices, will illustrate the tools that allow
a) to design collaborative learning processes inspired to the principle of the 'organic process' and of the 'person in place centered design'
b) to personalize the experience and, in particular, to compose a personal space (MyLife) that can be enriched with the outcomes of the collective learning experiences and whose content is exportable and usable as e-portfolio A description of
i) the management's tools;
ii) the integrated website editor;
iii) of the guidelines for Life's developers will complete the tutorial.