Collating a city’s collective memory in co-production of an online urban design learning space
Drawing on a city and collective memory as a theoretical framework for exploring how collating such memory into a Web-based 3D virtual city could initiate and sustain co-production of an online urban design learning space. Co-working with students and design tutors at the Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, we conducted a “Yogyakarta Experiment” by constructing 3D virtual models of parts of central Yogyakarta as a virtual city platform for collating participants’ personal memories of the city lives and places. The experiment shows that the learners’ and tutors’ relationships with the city communities and environments were mediated through participation in collating the city’s collective memory into the 3D virtual city platform, resulting in the co-production of an online urban design learning space.
Keywords: city and collective memory, 3D virtual city, Yogyakarta, online urban design learning space, co-production.