Gamification and gaming proposals, teachers’ perceptions and practices in Primary Education
José Manuel Sáez-López, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Javier Fombona, Eloy López-Meneses
This research has analyzed the application of gamification and game-based learning to primary education based on the evaluation of gamification by 308 primary education teachers in Spain. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was made of teachers’ competences, the tools and devices most widely used, didactic functionality, emotional competence and social skills. The results showed that teachers had a positive attitude towards gamification, and good knowledge and management of tools such as Genially, Kahoot and Google Classroom. With the appropriate resources, class planning and teacher training, game-based learning and gamification can boost student motivation and commitment, and foster enthusiasm for beneficial, pedagogical interactive processes.
Keywords: game-based learning, primary education, gamification, teaching and learning strategies.
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