An analysis of motivation and situational interest in a location-based augmented reality application
James Raber, Richard E. Ferdig, Enrico Gandolfi, Robert Clements
Research has provided evidence that augmented reality (AR) can be an effective tool to improve teaching and learning across multiple domains. Research is limited, however, in several key areas related to AR. For instance, motivation and situational interest are critical to student learning outcomes. However, little is known about the relationship between the two constructs and AR, particularly for AR that leverages location-based triggers. This study addressed this need by analyzing data from participants who used an application that delivers location-based, instructional AR content about the tragic shootings that occurred on May 4th, 1970, at Kent State University. Data findings showed significant decreases in motivation, but significant growth in situational interest and content knowledge. Implications for development of future location-based AR applications are discussed.
Keywords: location-based AR, history, situational interest, motivation, learning, teaching
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