A framework for designing applications to support knowledge construction on learning ecosystems

Pedro David Netto Silveira, Davidson Cury, Crediné Silva de menezes 

pp.  158 - 178, download






We are building a society increasingly immersed in digital contexts. In this transformation process, mainly because of the daily use of technology, several contexts of our lives are changing, including education and the school itself, which have especially received IT support to be carried out in an informal and personalized way. Learning ecosystems, if properly promoted, could be a partner of this school. In this paper, we propose a Framework to support the modeling of Smart Learning Environments (SLE) capable of stimulating interactions (including location-based interactions) in the diverse ecosystems in which we participate and thus support the construction of knowledge. We also present some SLEs designed with the Framework to demonstrate the practical result of its use and others for validation purposes.  


Keywords: Learning Ecosystem, Framework, Smart Learning Environments. 





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