Alaa SA Alkhafaji
is a Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Mustansiriyah in Baghdad/Iraq. She completed her PhD in the School of Computing/ University of Portsmouth in Jun 2018. Her research interests are in the area of smart and ubiquitous systems to be used through mobile and wearable technologies as well as human-computer interaction design to incorporate users’ experience in designing new technologies to provide adaptive and user-friendly services.
last update: July 2019
Articles published on IXD&A:
• 'A comparative study on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on three different national university learning ecosystems as bases to derive a Model for the Attitude to get Engaged in Technological Innovation (MAETI)', N. 47, 2020, pp. 167 - 190, abstract, download
• 'Design recommendations for designing smart and ubiquitous learning environments to be used at outdoor cultural heritage', N. 39, pp. 7 - 43, abstract, download