Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez
is a Professor of Learning Technologies and a Senior Researcher in KDEG in Trinity College Dublin. Her research concerns the study of learning technologies from a human-centred perspective and strives to understand behaviour and cognition to harness the value technology can bring to them. Her work involves the design, implementation and evaluation of TEL experiences, tools and environments. Her research interests include Mobile Learning, CSCL, Kinesthetic and Assistive TEL. She is an experienced principal investigator and has secured over €1.5 million in research funding. Currently she leads the MotorSense project which investigates motion detection to assess motor development in children and the DALDIS project which explores data analytics for digital assessment. Previously she led EDUWORS exploring bridges to match the skills mismatch between formal education and the labour market, CoVE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Children with Autism, Share.TEC: SHAring digital REsources in the Teaching Education Community and MOTILL: Mobile Technologies in Lifelong Learning among others. She has authored over 80 scientific publications, she has been programme chair and served in the programme committee of the main TEL conferences. She is a reviewer for Computers & Education, BJET, JCAL and IEEE Learning Transactions. She is a UNICEF adviser and has consulted for GE and ECDL among others. She is a recipient of the Provost Teaching Award for her outstanding contribution in the pursuit of teaching excellence. She has coordinated postgraduate and undergraduate academic programs and supervises PhD and master students. She received a Ph.D. and an M.Sc. in Information Technology in Education from Trinity College. She graduated from the University of Western Sydney, Australia, in Interpreting & Translation.
Last update: September 2020
Articles published on IXD&A:
• Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages, N. 45, pp. 246 - 263, abstract, download