Klaudia Carcani
is a research at the Østfolod University College. The focus of her research is on the design of IT systems in various contexts through participative design methods. The interest in participatory design initiated during her studies at Linnæus University, Sweden. She was involved in a participatory design research project dedicated to the understanding of social media use by seniors citizens and envision together with seniors future solutions. The experience in the industry involved Klaudia in several projects on the design and development of customised IT solution, e.g. B2B and mobile ICT service at T-Mobile Albania; logistic systems and customer care systems at AT Consulting; and geographical information systems and project management systems at NATO HQ, Brussels. She continuously worked close to the end users of those systems and explored the use of different participatory methods to involve the users in the design process. Klaudia has also been engaged in exploring how to apply Research through Design (RtD) in novel contexts with a narrow focus in technology use in dance performance. This was due to an EU funded project, People Smart Sculpture(PS2) and resulted in a Springer publication. She has been part of the organising board of IRIS40/SCIS8 2017 Conferences in Halden Norway. Klaudia is currently working on completing her PhD at the University of Oslo and Østfold University College (HiØ) . Her PhD research interest is in the design of healthcare technologies with a focus on the rehabilitation process of patients facing acquired brain injuries. This research project is a joint research initiative with Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital. At HiØ she is part of Interaction Design Research Group. The research group interst are in the fields of Interaction Design (IxD), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Participatory Design (PD) with a number of projects in place.
Last update: November 2018
Articles published on IXD&A:
Enhancing engagement and participation of seniors in society with the use of social media - the case of a reflective participatory design method story, N.36, pp. 58 - 74, abstract, download