Mara Corona
received graduation in Management and Automation Engineering in Rome at 'Roma Tre' University in May 2006.
Currently I'm employed as IT consultant at Kube Partners S.r.l. in Monza (MI), Italy, and I'm involved in Project Management Activities for Banks and Insurance both in Italy and in Great Britain.
Previously I was employed at Value Team, in Rome, as an IT consultant and I was mainly involved in PMO activities for Telecom Italia Mobile and in a Mainframe Capacity Planning activity for Cariparma.
My first work experience was in IBM, in Rome, where I worked in the first level technical support team supporting customer solving issues relatives to mainframe IBM Tivoli Software.
last update: june 2009
Articles published on IXD&A:
'ISIM_GestureCapture: Java gesture recognition for natural interaction', N. 5-6, 2009, pp. 86-90, abstract