N. 47, Winter 2020-21
Table of Contents
Special issue on:
Tools, Pedagogical and Ludic Strategies, Co-Design supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education
Oscar Mealha, Traian Rebedea
p. 5, download
Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Fandi Bi, Kathrin Land, Emanuel Trunzer
Transitions in Teaching Mechanical Engineering during COVID-19 crisis., pp. 27 - 47, abstract, download
Majid Rouhani, Veronica Farshchian, Monica Divitini
Teaching Programming in Secondary Schools: Stepping and Stumbling Stones, pp. 48 - 68, abstract, download
Eva Mårell-Olsson
Using gamification as an online teaching strategy to develop students’ 21st century skills, pp. 69 - 93, abstract, download
Rubén Buitrago, Jesús Salinas, Oscar Boude
Designing and Representing Learning Itineraries: A Systematic Review of the Literature, pp. 94 - 122, abstract, download
Stavros A. Nikou
Web-based videoconferencing for teaching online: Continuance intention to use in the post-COVID-19 period, pp. 123 - 143, abstract, download
Janika Leoste, Mati Heidmets, Tobias Ley, Jelena Stepanova
Classroom Innovation Becoming Sustainable: A Study of Technological Innovation Adoption by Estonian Primary School Teachers, pp. 144 - 166, abstract, download
Carlo Giovannella, Marcello Passarelli, Alaa S.A. Alkhafaji, Adriana Peña Pérez Negrón
A comparative study on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on three different national university learning ecosystems as bases to derive a Model for the Attitude to get Engaged in Technological Innovation (MAETI) , pp. 167 - 190, abstract, download
Catarina Lelis
Smart Brands and Identities: building friendly bridges between Design and Smartness, pp. 191 - 214, abstract, download
Ladislava Zbiejczuk Suchá, Roman Novotný. Tomáš Štefek, Aldo de Moor, Jirina Belehradová Svitáková, Eliška Bartošová. Petr Škyrík, Barbora Buchtová, Eva Víchová
Designing an incubator for social innovations in libraries: Learnings from the Research through Design approach, pp. 215 - 236, abstract, download
Antonio Amado Lorenzo and Vicente López-Chao
Analogue and Digital Access to Architectural Information, pp. 237 - 255, abstract, download
Wrya Sabir Abdullah, Nahedh Taha Al-Qemaqchi
The Impact of University Campus Spatial Organisation on Pedestrian Speed: A Comparison between the Old and New Campuses of Sulaimani University, pp. 256 - 273, abstract, download
Regular papers
Nuno M. Guimarães
Complexity, Design and Culture: convergence for digital experiences, pp. 274 - 305, abstract, download